Right to Love, Right to be Loved


“It’s your God-forsaken right to be loved.” –Jason Mraz

His song, “I’m Yours”, is one that I find myself listening to repeat on a daily basis. After all of these years, after all these times of listening to it over and over again…it hits me in the heart more and more.

That one part in the song just hit me… It is our God-forsaken right to be loved. Each and every one of us have every right to be loved unconditionally and nothing less of that. We have that right, and that means we should never settle for less.

Love others unconditionally and allow yourself be loved unconditionally–because you deserve both. That doesn’t mean you should allow yourself to be a doormat to others, or others to be doormats for you, but it means you should remember that you need to let the right people be in your life…the ones who truly love you unconditionally.

So many of us feel that we don’t deserve a great kind of love. Sure, we daydream about it, but what do we do when it approaches us? You may be used to getting hurt all the time so you may shut this love off because you don’t believe you are worthy.

Hun, you ARE worthy, in every way. Every single little bit of you, within and without.

So the next time true love–of any kind–comes knocking at your door, just remember that it is indeed your Godforsaken right to have that love.

Allow yourself to receive. 🙂 –J.R.

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