Tag Archives: #relationships

Be With…


Good evening, self-lovers! How is your night going? 🙂 Thank goodness it’s Friday right?! 😘
Let’s keep this topic short tonight!
Tonight is about that good ol’ romantic kind of love 😍
Be with someone who makes you feel good about being you. Someone who makes you feel worthy & so very loved. Someone who makes you want to love YOURSELF even more. 😌😚🌺💃💖
But before you end up with anyone, you should love yourself FIRST. & then be with someone who loves themself as well. It feels good to be able to share your best self with ANOTHER person who is at their best. That’s the BEST kind of love 😍💖🙏–J.R.
I am working on getting my book published, but have lost a lot in the process in order to finish it. If you would like to help me with getting my book published & to help me with my present circumstances, I would really appreciate if you could check out my fundraiser by clicking here. If you are not able to help, then that is definitely okay. Prayers are just as awesome. 🙏 Thank you for any kind of support with my book & my blessed Divine mission in life 💖💖



WARNING!!!: This is not for extremely sensitive people, or for children of any age. If you are too easily hurt or offended, then I’d suggest you run away from this post. 😉

Why is it that we feel we need to be a certain way, or do a certain thing, or be a certain kind of person, in order to get approval from others?

You don’t need to claim to be of a certain religion just to have a good reason to be approved or to not be “judged” by others. You don’t have to be a certain “status” just to be respected by others. And you certainly don’t need to be a kiss-ass to everyone just to receive their recognition or, again, their approval.

I’ll tell you something extremely scary, and it’s probably something you don’t even want to hear. …. YOU’RE GOING TO BE JUDGED ANYWAYS. 

Say this planet were to go crazy in any kind of way, and all of the money disappeared, with natural disasters all over the place, and we were to have pretty much nothing left. Your money wouldn’t save you. Your “status” won’t save you.  And your kiss-assness would not save you.

All that status, riches, fame, and kiss-assness would just be thrown away and you’d see everyone’s true colors: WE ARE TRULY NO DIFFERENT. Underneath all those fancy clothes, attitudes, and kiss-assness, we are all still HUMAN BEINGS.

Why would you want to live your life caring so much about the outside world, when it’s your INNER world you should be more worried about? Place all that attention, chasing, fulfillment, acceptance, and loving in your own heart and watch it all fall into place without you having to worry at all.

You will always be judged. Harsh words to you, to myself, but it’s merely the truth. Whether they say it out loud to your face, behind your back, or even in their own mind, you will still be judged. Youuuu will even judge yourself, so why worry about the judgments of others? If their judgments hit you and affect you, it only means that it is a reflection of something that is going on within your own mind and heart.

So throw away all that you feel you need to do, need to be, and stop kissing everyone’s ass. It’s time to kiss your own, and appreciate it. Now don’t take this literally.

Appreciating, accepting, loving, respecting, and finding fulfillment is within your own self, and this is your journey of self-love. As for the outside world…. It takes care of itself. When you focus on finding all that within, there will be people that will be drawn to you like a magnet, and those are the people who will treat you the same way you treat yourself within your own heart.

Journey within to journey without. 🙂 –J.R.

Soul Mates


Soul mates… There are different varieties of soul mates–friends, family (blood- or not blo0d-related), animals/pets, lovers, etc.–so there is no limit on what soul mates can really be!

I truly, deep within my heart, believe that we have plenty of soul mates. Whether it be romantic love, or any other kind of love. I believe it is because of our free will, and the fact that if we don’t want a particular soul mate in our lives, we have many other choices.

Well what if you are in love with someone, or you just can’t get over a certain friend, you ask? Well, what they may be one of your soul mates, but they don’t have to stay in your life. Hate to say this… buuut there are plenty of other fish in the sea, my dear.

Yes, they are soul mates, but some soul mates are permanent, while many others are just temporary. They come into your life for a brief couple of moments into your life, teach you what you need to know, and they carry on. Don’t keep trying to make it work if you know deep down inside it’s just not meant to be.

You have to learn your lessons and move on with your life. What did they teach you? How to have more fun? To learn what you do or don’t deserve? To love yourself even more? Have you learned your self-worth because of them? Whatever it is that you learned from them, whether conscious or subconscious, acknowledge what you learned, give thanks within your heart, and let them go if it’s not working no matter what you do.

You have to give yourself permission to see more options in this world, there are a small amount of soul mates that are permanent, but if that’s what you want then you’re gonna have to tell yourself–and the Universe–that you want a permanent soul mate in your life. Friends, to create a new family of your own, lovers, etc.

One thing is guaranteed with every soul mate that crosses your path–you learn something, or some things, from each and every one of them.

Remind yourself that this is YOUR journey, and you are learning to love yourself. SO you can’t settle for people who can’t love you as much as you’re willing to love yourself, deary….

One thing to remember is that noooo one is perfect, and you will most definitely get hurt by your soul mates, but find and KEEP the ones worth keeping. The ones that don’t hurt you purposely. The ones who are willing to grow, willing to love you. The ones willing to change for the better, not just for you, but for THEMSELVES. If your soul mate(s) are not willing to grow then baby….they are nooottt meant to be in your life aymore, you hear me?

When you come to the real realization that there are many, manyyyyy soul mates out there for each and every single one of us, then you will come to have more peace of mind and you will truly feel you deserve the best.

Journey within to let you know that you deserve the best–no matter who or what you lose in life–and the Universe will bring soul mates, sometimes PERMANENT soul mates, to match or even EXCEED your expectations… So go on and EXPECT THE BEST!!!! 🙂 –J.R.

The Truest Love of All


You are whole, perfect, and complete, all by yourself and all on your own. Love with another person is a very beautiful thing and brings much joy and happiness into your life, but they are not your other half because you are not half a person, you are a whole person already. Be with someone once you are happy by yourself, because true love comes from within. And then that same love you have for yourself will be reflected outwards. Others can complement you but they cannot complete you because you already ARE complete!!! 🙂 –J.R.

Share Your Journey!

Give your love to those that deserve it…the ones who give you the freedom to be your real self, the ones who love you unconditionally, the ones who make time for you, the ones who give you a HEALTHY kind of love, and make you feel good about yourself. Hold on to them. You need those kind of people in your life. And they also need you. Give them the love they deserve. This journey isn’t just your journey alone, because there may be at least one person who will be by your side throughout the rest of your journey. They deserve to be appreciated. –J.R.

Relationships. Usually when we hear this word, we think of two people in love. But if you really think about it, relationships come in many forms: with a partner/lover, friends, family members, and even with yourself.
So many of us seek the outer love with a partner or a particular person and put all of our time and energies into just this one person (which is not fair to anyone else who cares about us), and yet they never completely fill all of those gaps and holes in our hearts.
Realize these 2 truths: Relationships come in ALL forms and life is all about BALANCE. All of the love you really seek starts WITHIN. If you don’t feel true love for yourself, then you could feel lonely even being with someone or being around others.
Learn to enjoy your own company. Become your own best friend. Fall in love with yourself. Do the things that you love. Get to KNOW yourself! Give an EQUAL amount of your time and love to yourself as well as the people you value. If you depend too much on others for love, you may feel lonely when alone or you may not even how to pass the time by yourself. If you depend too much on yourself for love, you take away from the ones in your life that truly love you, because they deserve part of your love too.
You deserve your time AND love just as much as everyone else does. If you give more to yourself than to others, you’ll feel and come off as selfish, and that is not fair to others. Give more to others than yourself, you’ll feel like a walking doormat at times, and you just won’t be happy. Give an EQUAL amount of your time and love to yourself AND your loved ones, you’ll feel amazing and at peace.
Everyone, JUST like you, is a being filled with feelings and emotions. You deserve to be treated GOOD! But you have to treat yourself good too because get this: you are going to be the ONLY one with yourself at every single moment fit the REST of your life, so you can either love or hate every second of it. You can either become your best friend or your own worst enemy, so CHOOSE to become your best friend, CHOOSE to love yourself!
Think about a friend, family member, or your partner who treats you wonderfully, is always there for you, and loves you unconditionally. Think hard. That person deserves to be treated kindly and with love and compassion, so give them this in return. They deserve it.
The law of karma states that you reap what you sow. Think of it as a boomerang filled with your predominant thoughts, feelings, and actions. A boomerang full of positivity will reap positivity; a boomerang full of negativity will reap negativity. Give love to yourself and others, you will receive love in many forms, and vise versa.
ALL of your relationships are equally important, including the one with yourself. Start your journey within, and with the boomerang of universal laws, you will experience the journey without 😉